PASA 2016 Obedience Rally Trials

 PASA has four days of Obedience and Rally planned at Thorson's Arena in Morgan Hill, CA.   Both are being held in conjunction with PASA Agility trials. 

February 20/21 Flier

Highlights of the February weekend 

Saturday Obedience trial, Judge Bonnie Lee. This trial was full with the maximum allowed 30 runs!
 High in trial & High Scoring Aussie: From our Novice B class, Bernita Creech & her Aussie Oliver, with a score of 199
High Combined & High Scoring Other Breed were Allison Pobirs & her Border Collie Ladd.

Saturday Rally: Judge Heidi Iverson
High in Trial & High Scoring Aussie: From a VERY large & competitive Novice B class, Lynn Ungar & her youngster Tesla with a 200+, broken by time. Our other 200 was Laurie Rubin & her Aussie Racy.
HIgh Combined: Rich Imfeld & his Aussie Niner with a 391 out of 400. 
High Scoring Other Breed; again from our Novice B class, Wendy Silveira & her lovely Golden Retriever Janey.  This was their 1st weekend of ASCA Rally, and they rocked it.
Jo Delvey & her Aussie Truely finished their Novice A Rally trial with a 1st place & and an Excellent leg of 197.

Sunday Obedience: Heidi Iverson judging
 High Combined & High Scoring Other Breed: Allison Pobirs & Border Collie Ladd, with a 383.  This also gave them the Weekend High Combined score of 775.5 out of 800.
High in Trial  and High Scoring Aussie was Paddy Warner & her Aussie Stetson, with a 198+, in a runoff with Bernita Creech & Oliver from our Novice B class.

Sunday Rally: Bonnie Lee Judge
High Combined, HIgh Scoring Aussie & High in Trial: Laurie Sasaki and her amazing Sassy.  Laurie must have the record for perfect 200 scores, and added 2 more with this trial.
High Scoring Other Breed: Wendy Silveira & her Golden Retriever Janey with a score of 199 out of a HUGE Novice B class.
Weekend HIgh Combined was Cherie Gossford & her Aussie Hattie with a 2 day total of 742 out of 800.

Weekend High Combined, Saturday & Sunday High combined Obedeince:
Alisson Pobirs and her border collie, LADD